Thursday, July 16, 2009

UMC Book of Resolutions and Native people

See 2004 BOR, resolution #132 and 2000 BOR, resolution #120 for full text of 3322. Confession to Native Americans.

See 2004 BOR, resolution #133 and 2000 BOR, resolution #121 for full text of 3323. Healing Relationships with Indigenous Persons.

We are collecting comments related to these Resolutions and 2012 General Conference Act of Repentance. Below are questions the planners want input from UM Native people and Traditionals.

Click on COMMENT at the bottom of this message and add your ideas. Thank you.
What will an Act of Repentance to Native people look like? Do's? Dont's?

What does 'the Church' need to know?

What resource would be helpful?

What voices need to be heard?

What stories told?

How have you been hurt?

How has our community been hurt?

What would make your community whole?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Native American International Caucus - United Methodist Church

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Native American International Caucus:

To sensitize the United Methodist Church about customs & religious expressions of Native Americans

To educate & inform the United Methodist Church of critical issues that effect Native Americans

To engage members of the United Methodist Church in these critical Native American issues

To advocate for full participation of United Methodist Native American at all levels of the church and in the life of the church

Through sensitizing, educating, informing, engaging and advocating, we will become and make effective disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.